Youth Group
The Dinkey Memorial Youth Group is led by Patti Walck. The youth group is a way for youth in 5th through 12th grades to be active in their congregation and faith through activities, games, trips, events, and fun.
Anyone interested in joining the youth group should contact Patti for a schedule and list of meetings and events.
Opportunities for youth in our Synod:

Lutheran Youth Fellowship
The Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF) brings together high school youth of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod. It provides an organized arena in which synod youth can voice their concerns and opinions.
The Lutheran Youth Fellowship meets in assembly annually. The assembly is held in November. All youth of the synod and their adult advisors are invited to attend and to participate.
The LYF Board includes four officers and elected representatives from each of the nine synod mission districts, plus appointed representatives from the multicultural and definitely-abled communities. LYF is one of the ministries for, with, and by youth that is coordinated by the Worship and Spirituality Ministry Team.
For more youth events or opportunities, please visit the Youth page of the Synod website at godslove.org.

Contact Us
Worship Schedule
9:00 am Worship
10:00 am Coffee Fellowship
10:15 am Sunday School
Latest Congregation News
- Youth Group Meeting: April 16th